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Is This You?

How It Works

Pet Stress Test



Healing Modalities

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Do any of these sound familiar?

 Your pet has been injured and is not healing as expected.  Whether it’s an accident, surgery, including docking or amputation, or a fight, the injury should have healed by now.  Perhaps it looks OK, even on x-rays, but she is still limping or showing pain.  This makes you wonder whether there is still an injury there, or an underlying issue that needs to be resolved. 


Your pet has suddenly started exhibiting mysterious behavior or pain.  Perhaps he even mirrors your own symptoms!  You wonder where this is coming from.  Is it really his “stuff”, your issue, or even someone else’s?  (See article, “His Stuff or My Stuff?”)


Your pet has experienced a trauma.  Whether she experienced this personally or witnessed something disturbing, and whether the event was physical, emotional, or mental, the trauma is often stored in the body.  Perhaps she has been demonstrating unusual behavior, sensitivity, pain, or illness.


Your family has had a transition.  Whether it’s adopting new pet or human siblings, the birth of a baby, loss of a family member, a move, new neighbors, a new partner, or a blended family, pets may respond in as many ways as humans might.  Strange behaviors, apparent illnesses or new allergies, depression, or failure to thrive can be symptoms of reactions to these transitions.


You think your pet may be near death.  You wonder how much pain he’s in and whether he still thinks life is worth living.  Is he enjoying anything at all?  Is there anything he finds comforting or pleasurable?  Is the medication or treatment helping?  You wonder whether he would like help making the transition, and whether it’s time.


You're a human animal, and you want some of this kind of care and insight for yourself.  (Yes, I work with plenty of humans, too!)



Types of animals I’ve worked with:  Horses, dogs, cats, llamas, birds, bunnies, reptiles, fish, wild ones, and even humans



This works best for pet guardians who have these qualities:

 - You respect your pet as a living being

 - You’re open to idea that healing and communication can happen in many ways

 - You understand that love and energy know no limits in time and space

 - You have (or would like to have) a loving connection with that pet



Like to learn more?  Sign me up for the free workbook, Many Ways to Connect, and monthly e-zine with articles relevant to health, healing, and pets.


Ready to experience this work for yourself?  Check out my offer.


Still not sure?  Take the Pet Stress Test.



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In my practice I use non-invasive methods of touch, light, energy, sound, and unconditional love to relieve stress and promote general feelings of good health.  Currently, no licensing is available in the state of Idaho for these practices.  While I encourage everyone to take more responsibility for their own health, I do not diagnose, treat, or cure any disease or intend that this work should replace medical care.  Statements made in this website are my opinion and should not to be confused as indisputable fact.